Bem-vindo à seção de livros recomendados sobre Segurança da Informação, Cybersecurity e Segurança Cibernética e Informática. Esta seção é dedicada a profissionais e estudantes interessados em aprimorar seus conhecimentos nessas áreas. Selecionamos cuidadosamente livros de alta qualidade, escritos por especialistas renomados no assunto, para ajudá-lo a se manter atualizado e a aprimorar suas habilidades.
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Fundamentos de Segurança da Informação: com Base na ISO 27001 e na ISO 27002

Este livro prático e de fácil leitura explica de forma clara as abordagens, ou políticas, de gerenciamento de segurança da informação que muitas organizações podem analisar e implementar nos seus negócios.
Ele aborda: os requisitos de qualidade que uma organização pode ter para informações; os riscos associados com os requisitos de qualidade no uso das informações. As medidas defensivas que são necessárias para mitigar os riscos associados. Como garantir a continuidade do negócio em caso de desastre. Se e quando reportar acidentes para fora da organização.
O livro também é útil para aqueles que desejam se preparar para um exame ISFS (Information Security Foundation) do EXIN. Um dos apêndices do livro traz um modelo do exame ISFS, incluindo comentários sobre as opções de resposta para as questões, ou seja, o anexo pode ser usado como treinamento para o exame oficial.
Todos os conceitos de segurança da informação apresentados nesta versão do livro estão baseados nas normas ISO/IEC 27001:2013 e ISO/IEC 27002:2013. Além disso, o texto também faz referência a outros padrões internacionais de segurança da informação relevantes, quando apropriado.
O livro também traz um estudo de caso real ao longo dos seus capítulos para demonstrar como os controles apresentados nas normas são levados da teoria à prática em um ambiente operacional.
Autores: Jule Hintzbergen, Kees Hintzbergen, André Smulders, Hans Baars
Idioma: português (pt-br)
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Testes de Invasão: uma Introdução Prática ao Hacking

Os pentesters simulam ciberataques para descobrir vulnerabilidades de segurança em redes, em sistemas operacionais e em aplicações. Os especialistas em segurança da informação no mundo todo utilizam técnicas de testes de invasão para avaliar as defesas de uma empresa.
No livro Testes de invasão, a especialista em segurança, pesquisadora e instrutora Georgia Weidman apresenta as principais habilidades e técnicas necessárias a todo pentester. Ao usar um laboratório baseado em máquinas virtuais que inclui o Kali Linux e sistemas operacionais vulneráveis, você verá uma série de lições práticas usando ferramentas como o Wireshark, o Nmap e o Burp Suite.
À medida que acompanhar as lições usando o laboratório e realizando ataques, você vivenciará as fases fundamentais de uma avaliação de verdade – que incluem a coleta de informações, a descoberta de vulnerabilidades passíveis de exploração, a obtenção de acesso aos sistemas, a pós-exploração de falhas, além de outras atividades.
Busca-se com que o leitor aprenda: Quebrar senhas e chaves de redes wireless usando a força bruta e listas de palavras; testar aplicações web em busca de vulnerabilidades; usar o Metasploit Framework para lançar exploits e implementar seus próprios módulos do Metasploit; automatizar ataques de engenharia social; evitar softwares antivírus; transformar o acesso a um computador em um controle total da empresa na fase de pós-exploração de falhas. Você irá até mesmo explorar a implementação de seus próprios exploits. Então prosseguirá para o hacking de dispositivos móveis – a área particular de pesquisa de Weidman – com sua ferramenta Smartphone Pentest Framework.
Autora: Georgia Weidman
Idioma: português (pt-br)
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Introdução ao Pentest

O livro Introdução ao Pentest irá capacitar o leitor a entender e a realizar o pentest – uma auditoria minuciosa sobre falhas e vulnerabilidades em computadores e redes – e, assim, buscar a melhor forma de solucionar os problemas encontrados.
Tendo como base a metodologia Kali Linux para o ensino do pentest, a qual é extremamente didática e adaptada a partir da metodologia PTES de testes de invasão, com certeza este livro fará você se sentir à vontade e confiante ao estudar pentest, tornando o seu aprendizado fácil e rápido.
O leitor terá acesso às táticas e técnicas utilizadas no pentest em um ambiente controlado por laboratório e máquinas virtuais.
Cada capítulo aborda uma etapa do pentest e, no decorrer da leitura, você aprenderá: Os aspectos básicos de segurança da informação, como a instalação de máquinas virtuais e os primeiros passos com o Kali Linux. Criar redes zumbie para ataques DDoS utilizando o IRC como rede mestre. Realizar a evasão de sistemas de antivírus usando as linguagens de programação C, Python e Powershell. Os princípios básicos do desenvolvimento de exploits. Usar o framework Metasploit.
Criar um gerador de shellcode para Windows. Escalonar privilégios em sistemas Windows sem usar exploits. Realizar a evasão de sistemas UAC e do sistema de autenticação de dois fatores. Realizar o DNS Spoof a fim de redirecionar o usuário para uma página web específica. Criar um pendrive infectado com o Arduino (antigo BadUSB). Escrever e criptografar um relatório de pentest.
Autor: Daniel Moreno
Idioma: português (pt-br)
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Pentest em Aplicações Web

Aplicações web têm um histórico extenso de vulnerabilidades, que têm sido exploradas pelos hackers. A lista de ataques conhecidos é extensa, envolvendo Cross-site Scripting, SQL Injection, unrestricted file upload, Code Injection, Command Injecion, Remote/Local File Inclusion e Cross-site Request Forgery, somente para citar alguns.
Neste livro, você conhecerá as técnicas mais utilizadas pelos hackers, e poderá implementar mecanismos de proteção em suas aplicações web contra esses ataques. Para facilitar, esta obra é dividida em três seções. A primeira tem como foco ensinar o básico sobre ambientes web, sendo o PHP a linguagem escolhida. Entendendo bem a primeira seção, a segunda reportará como os ataques são realizados. Nessa parte, ferramentas e técnicas manuais de ataques serão descritas a fim de se conhecer quais as possíveis vulnerabilidades do website. As técnicas de defesa serão descritas na terceira seção, para que o website seja disponibilizado on-line com o mínimo de segurança.
No decorrer do livro, o leitor aprenderá: Os princípios da programação web (HTML, CSS, PHP e SQL) e quais as funções do PHP com que se deve ter mais cuidado. A realizar um pentest na própria aplicação seguindo as normas da OWASP e saber qual é o modus operandi de um ataque. A analisar um código PHP e determinar se este está ou não vulnerável.
Autor: Daniel Moreno
Idioma: português (pt-br)
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Python para Pentest

Python é a linguagem preferida dos profissionais de segurança da informação. Fácil de aprender, multiplataforma, e com uma enorme variedade de bibliotecas que podem ser aproveitadas em pentest de redes, aplicações web e redes sem fio.
Este livro mostra como criar ferramentas em Python para pentest, com muitos exemplos de código-fonte, que podem ser executados em qualquer versão do Kali Linux. Destina-se a profissionais de segurança da informação, com conhecimentos de Python e pentest, interessados em utilizar Python para criar suas próprias ferramentas para pentest.
O livro é dividido em quatro capítulos. O primeiro, Introdução ao Python, fornece o conhecimento básico para os capítulos posteriores. O segundo, Pentest em redes, mostra as ferramentas que podem ser usadas em um pentest de redes corporativas. O terceiro, Pentest em aplicações web, mostra como criar ferramentas para automatização de ataques em aplicações web. E o quarto, Pentest em redes sem fio, automatiza ataques voltados às redes sem fio.
Autor: Daniel Moreno
Idioma: português (pt-br)
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Pentest em Redes sem Fio

Pentest em redes sem fio tem o intuito de capacitar o leitor a entender e realizar o pentest em redes sem fio. Como complemento da obra Introdução ao pentest, do mesmo autor, este livro é focado exclusivamente em redes sem fio, mostrando as principais formas de ataque que um indivíduo mal-intencionado pode utilizar para acessar a sua rede sem fio.
Simulando o pensamento de um cracker, este livro apresenta os passos e as técnicas necessárias para se obter o acesso à rede sem fio: Conhecer o funcionamento de uma rede sem fio na teoria e na prática: quais são os principais tipos de criptografia e como funcionam. Testar laboratórios e ambientes simulados: vamos entender por que os principais sistemas criptográficos falham e por que é tão simples hackear uma rede sem fio. Realizar o mapeamento de redes sem fio com softwares específicos para essa finalidade (GPS USB) e descobrir a localização física dos pontos de acesso. Saber como se defender por meio dos softwares de monitoramento e de detecção de intruso (wIDS e wIPS). Aprender a criar, de forma didática e explicativa, as redes sem fio mais seguras que existem: redes empresariais com certificados digitais autoassinados.
Com todo esse armamento em mãos, realizar uma simulação de pentest e, ao final, aprender como é feita a escrita de um relatório de pentest para redes sem fio.
Autor: Daniel Moreno
Idioma: português (pt-br)
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Criptografia e Segurança de Redes: Princípios e Práticas

Este livro se destaca por seu viés prático e sua abordagem dinâmica. Com conteúdo abrangente e profundo e mais de 300 problemas propostos (de diferentes níveis de dificuldade), oferece aos estudantes e profissionais da área de TI uma perspectiva atualizada do mundo real e da indústria de tecnologia.
Esta 6ª edição traz importantes avanços tecnológicos, principalmente sobre segurança de redes e dados, que envolvem a criptografia por meio de definições detalhadas, sendo indicada para cursos de graduação e pós-graduação em análise e desenvolvimento de sistemas, redes de computadores e segurança da informação.
Autor: William Stallings
Idioma: português (pt-br)
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Incident Response & Computer Forensics

The definitive guide to incident response–updated for the first time in a decade!
Thoroughly revised to cover the latest and most effective tools and techniques, Incident Response & Computer Forensics, Third Edition arms you with the information you need to get your organization out of trouble when data breaches occur. This practical resource covers the entire lifecycle of incident response, including preparation, data collection, data analysis, and remediation. Real-world case studies reveal the methodsbehind–and remediation strategies for–today’s most insidious attacks.
Architect an infrastructure that allows for methodical investigation and remediation. Develop leads, identify indicators of compromise, and determine incident scope. Collect and preserve live data. Perform forensic duplication. Analyze data from networks, enterprise services, and applications. Investigate Windows and Mac OS X systems. Perform malware triage. Write detailed incident response reports. Create and implement comprehensive remediation plans.
Autores: Jason T. Luttgens, Matthew Pepe
Idioma: english (en)
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Resposta a Incidentes de Segurança em Computadores: Planos para Proteção de Informação em Risco

Reforce a segurança de sua empresa com as dicas de N.K. McCarthy, especialista em segurança da informação com mais de 20 anos de experiência em serviços prestados ao Pentágono, à Agência de Segurança Nacional e ao Comando Estratégico dos Estados Unidos, além das 100 maiores empresas da Fortune.
Este guia tático mostra como construir e gerenciar planos de resposta eficazes para os mais frequentes incidentes cibernéticos. Descubra por que esses planos funcionam. Aprenda o processo passo a passo para o desenvolvimento e gerenciamento de planos feitos para resolver inúmeros problemas enfrentados por empresas de qualquer porte em tempos de crise.
Aborda os aspectos básicos do desenvolvimento de planos de resposta à violação de dados e à deflagração de malware – e as melhores práticas para a manutenção desses planos; Apresenta planos de resposta prontos para implementação – derivados de planos reais que sobreviveram aos rigores de repetidas execuções e várias auditorias; Explica claramente como reduzir o risco de litígios, impacto sobre a marca, multas e penalidades pós-evento – e como proteger o valor do investidor; Dá suporte à conformidade corporativa com os padrões e requisitos da indústria.
Autor: N. K. McCarthy
Idioma: português (pt-br)
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The Threat Intelligence Handbook: A Practical Guide for Security Teams to Unlocking the Power of Intelligence

It’s easy to find descriptions of what threat intelligence is. But it’s harder to learn how to use it to truly make your organization safe from cybercriminals. How can threat intelligence strengthen all the teams in a cybersecurity organization?
This book answers this question. It reviews the kinds of threat intelligence that are useful to security teams and how each team can use that intelligence to solve problems and address challenges. It discusses how security analysts in the real world use threat intelligence to decide what alerts to investigate (or ignore), what incidents to escalate, and what vulnerabilities to patch. It examines how information collected outside of the enterprise can help model risks more accurately and prevent fraud.
We invite you to learn about how threat intelligence can help everyone in cybersecurity anticipate problems, respond faster to attacks, and make better decisions on how to reduce risk.
Editor: Chris Pace
Idioma: english (en)
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Hackers Expostos: Segredos e Soluções para a Segurança de Redes

As táticas mais recentes para prevenir ataques digitais. Reforce a segurança de seu sistema e anule as ferramentas e táticas dos cibercriminosos com os conselhos e estratégias de defesa da mundialmente renomada equipe de Hackers Expostos.
Descubra como bloquear invasões à sua infraestrutura, minimizar as ameaças persistentes avançadas (APTs), neutralizar códigos maliciosos, garantir a segurança de aplicativos web e de banco de dados, proteger dispositivos móveis e fortificar redes UNIX.
Em sua 7ª edição, este livro apresenta estudos de caso que expõem os métodos mais recentes e traiçoeiros dos hackers e ilustram soluções testadas na prática.
Inclui ainda um abrangente “livro de receitas” de contramedidas. Mitigue APTs e meta-exploits baseados na web. Defenda-se contra o acesso de root no UNIX e contra ataques de estouro de buffer. Bloqueie ataques de injeção de SQL, spear phishing e de código embarcado. Detecte e elimine rootkits, Cavalos de Troia, bots, worms e malwares. Limite o acesso remoto usando cartões inteligentes e tokens de hardware. Proteja WLANs 802.11 com gateways e criptografia de várias camadas. Elimine vulnerabilidades em serviços de VoIP, redes sociais, Web 2.0 e na nuvem. Conheça os ataques mais recentes contra iPhone e Android e saiba como proteger-se.
Autores: Stuart McClure, Joel Scambray, George Kurtz
Idioma: português (pt-br)
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Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software

Malware analysis is big business, and attacks can cost a company dearly. When malware breaches your defenses, you need to act quickly to cure current infections and prevent future ones from occurring.
For those who want to stay ahead of the latest malware, Practical Malware Analysis will teach you the tools and techniques used by professional analysts. With this book as your guide, you’ll be able to safely analyze, debug, and disassemble any malicious software that comes your way.
You’ll learn how to: Set up a safe virtual environment to analyze malware. Quickly extract network signatures and host-based indicators. Use key analysis tools like IDA Pro, OllyDbg, and WinDbg. Overcome malware tricks like obfuscation, anti-disassembly, anti-debugging, and anti-virtual machine techniques. Use your newfound knowledge of Windows internals for malware analysis. Develop a methodology for unpacking malware and get practical experience with five of the most popular packers. Analyze special cases of malware with shellcode, C++, and 64-bit code.
Hands-on labs throughout the book challenge you to practice and synthesize your skills as you dissect real malware samples, and pages of detailed dissections offer an over-the-shoulder look at how the pros do it. You’ll learn how to crack open malware to see how it really works, determine what damage it has done, thoroughly clean your network, and ensure that the malware never comes back.
Malware analysis is a cat-and-mouse game with rules that are constantly changing, so make sure you have the fundamentals. Whether you’re tasked with securing one network or a thousand networks, or you’re making a living as a malware analyst, you’ll find what you need to succeed in Practical Malware Analysis.
Autores: Michael Sikorski, Andrew Honig
Idioma: english (en)
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The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security

The world’s most infamous hacker offers an insider’s view of the low-tech threats to high-tech security.
Kevin Mitnick’s exploits as a cyber-desperado and fugitive form one of the most exhaustive FBI manhunts in history and have spawned dozens of articles, books, films, and documentaries. Since his release from federal prison, in 1998, Mitnick has turned his life around and established himself as one of the most sought-after computer security experts worldwide. Now, in The Art of Deception, the world’s most notorious hacker gives new meaning to the old adage, “It takes a thief to catch a thief.”
Focusing on the human factors involved with information security, Mitnick explains why all the firewalls and encryption protocols in the world will never be enough to stop a savvy grifter intent on rifling a corporate database or an irate employee determined to crash a system. With the help of many fascinating true stories of successful attacks on business and government, he illustrates just how susceptible even the most locked-down information systems are to a slick con artist impersonating an IRS agent.
Narrating from the points of view of both the attacker and the victims, he explains why each attack was so successful and how it could have been prevented in an engaging and highly readable style reminiscent of a true-crime novel. And, perhaps most importantly, Mitnick offers advice for preventing these types of social engineering hacks through security protocols, training programs, and manuals that address the human element of security.
Autores: Kevin D. Mitnick, William L. Simon
Idioma: english (en)
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Hacking: The Art of Exploitation

Hacking is the art of creative problem solving, whether that means finding an unconventional solution to a difficult problem or exploiting holes in sloppy programming. Many people call themselves hackers, but few have the strong technical foundation needed to really push the envelope.
Rather than merely showing how to run existing exploits, author Jon Erickson explains how arcane hacking techniques actually work. To share the art and science of hacking in a way that is accessible to everyone, Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition introduces the fundamentals of C programming from a hacker’s perspective.
The included LiveCD provides a complete Linux programming and debugging environment-all without modifying your current operating system. Use it to follow along with the book’s examples as you fill gaps in your knowledge and explore hacking techniques on your own. Get your hands dirty debugging code, overflowing buffers, hijacking network communications, bypassing protections, exploiting cryptographic weaknesses, and perhaps even inventing new exploits. This book will teach you how to:
Program computers using C, assembly language, and shell scripts. Corrupt system memory to run arbitrary code using buffer overflows and format strings. Inspect processor registers and system memory with a debugger to gain a real understanding of what is happening. Outsmart common security measures like nonexecutable stacks and intrusion detection systems. Gain access to a remote server using port-binding or connect-back shellcode, and alter a server’s logging behavior to hide your presence. Redirect network traffic, conceal open ports, and hijack TCP connections. Crack encrypted wireless traffic using the FMS attack, and speed up brute-force attacks using a password probability matrix.
Hackers are always pushing the boundaries, investigating the unknown, and evolving their art. Even if you don’t already know how to program, Hacking: The Art of Exploitation, 2nd Edition will give you a complete picture of programming, machine architecture, network communications, and existing hacking techniques. Combine this knowledge with the included Linux environment, and all you need is your own creativity.
Autor: Jon Erickson
Idioma: english (en)
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Cult of the Dead Cow: How the Original Hacking Supergroup Might Just Save the World

The shocking untold story of the elite secret society of hackers fighting to protect our privacy, our freedom, and even democracy itself.
Cult of the Dead Cow is the tale of the oldest, most respected, and most famous American hacking group of all time. Though until now it has remained mostly anonymous, its members invented the concept of hacktivism, released the top tool for testing password security, and created what was for years the best technique for controlling computers from afar, forcing giant companies to work harder to protect customers. They contributed to the development of Tor, the most important privacy tool on the net, and helped build cyberweapons that advanced US security without injuring anyone.
With its origins in the earliest days of the Internet, the cDc is full of oddball characters — activists, artists, even future politicians. Many of these hackers have become top executives and advisors walking the corridors of power in Washington and Silicon Valley. The most famous is former Texas Congressman and current presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, whose time in the cDc set him up to found a tech business, launch an alternative publication in El Paso, and make long-shot bets on unconventional campaigns.
Today, the group and its followers are battling electoral misinformation, making personal data safer, and battling to keep technology a force for good instead of for surveillance and oppression. Cult of the Dead Cow shows how governments, corporations, and criminals came to hold immense power over individuals and how we can fight back against them.
Autor: Joseph Menn
Idioma: english (en)
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Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World’s Most Wanted Hacker

In this “intriguing, insightful and extremely educational” novel, the world’s most famous hacker teaches you easy cloaking and counter-measures for citizens and consumers in the age of Big Brother and Big Data (Frank W. Abagnale).
Kevin Mitnick was the most elusive computer break-in artist in history. He accessed computers and networks at the world’s biggest companies — and no matter how fast the authorities were, Mitnick was faster, sprinting through phone switches, computer systems, and cellular networks. As the FBI’s net finally began to tighten, Mitnick went on the run, engaging in an increasingly sophisticated game of hide-and-seek that escalated through false identities, a host of cities, and plenty of close shaves, to an ultimate showdown with the Feds, who would stop at nothing to bring him down.
Ghost in the Wires is a thrilling true story of intrigue, suspense, and unbelievable escapes — and a portrait of a visionary who forced the authorities to rethink the way they pursued him, and forced companies to rethink the way they protect their most sensitive information.
“Mitnick manages to make breaking computer code sound as action-packed as robbing a bank.” — NPR
Autor: Kevin Mitnick
Idioma: english (en)
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The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography

In his first book since the bestselling Fermat’s Enigma, Simon Singh offers the first sweeping history of encryption, tracing its evolution and revealing the dramatic effects codes have had on wars, nations, and individual lives. From Mary, Queen of Scots, trapped by her own code, to the Navajo Code Talkers who helped the Allies win World War II, to the incredible (and incredibly simple) logisitical breakthrough that made Internet commerce secure, The Code Book tells the story of the most powerful intellectual weapon ever known: secrecy.
Throughout the text are clear technical and mathematical explanations, and portraits of the remarkable personalities who wrote and broke the world’s most difficult codes. Accessible, compelling, and remarkably far-reaching, this book will forever alter your view of history and what drives it. It will also make you wonder how private that e-mail you just sent really is.
Autor: Simon Singh
Idioma: english (en)
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Threat Modeling: Designing for Security

The only security book to be chosen as a Dr. Dobbs Jolt Award Finalist since Bruce Schneier’s Secrets and Lies and Applied Cryptography!
Adam Shostack is responsible for security development lifecycle threat modeling at Microsoft and is one of a handful of threat modeling experts in the world. Now, he is sharing his considerable expertise into this unique book. With pages of specific actionable advice, he details how to build better security into the design of systems, software, or services from the outset. You’ll explore various threat modeling approaches, find out how to test your designs against threats, and learn effective ways to address threats that have been validated at Microsoft and other top companies.
Systems security managers, you’ll find tools and a framework for structured thinking about what can go wrong. Software developers, you’ll appreciate the jargon-free and accessible introduction to this essential skill. Security professionals, you’ll learn to discern changing threats and discover the easiest ways to adopt a structured approach to threat modeling.
Provides a unique how-to for security and software developers who need to design secure products and systems and test their designs. Explains how to threat model and explores various threat modeling approaches, such as asset-centric, attacker-centric and software-centric. Provides effective approaches and techniques that have been proven at Microsoft and elsewhere. Offers actionable how-to advice not tied to any specific software, operating system, or programming language. Authored by a Microsoft professional who is one of the most prominent threat modeling experts in the world.
As more software is delivered on the Internet or operates on Internet-connected devices, the design of secure software is absolutely critical. Make sure you’re ready with Threat Modeling: Designing for Security.
Autor: Adam Shostack
Idioma: english (en)
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The Cyber Effect: An Expert in Cyberpsychology Explains How Technology Is Shaping Our Children, Our Behavior, and Our Values–and What We Can Do About It

A groundbreaking exploration of how cyberspace is changing the way we think, feel, and behave.
“A must-read for this moment in time.” —Steven D. Levitt, co-author of Freakonomics, One of the best books of the year—Nature
Mary Aiken, the world’s leading expert in forensic cyberpsychology, offers a starting point for all future conversations about how the Internet is shaping development and behavior, societal norms and values, children, safety, privacy, and our perception of the world.
Drawing on her own research and extensive experience with law enforcement, Aiken covers a wide range of subjects, from the impact of screens on the developing child to the explosion of teen sexting and the acceleration of compulsive and addictive behaviors online.
Aiken provides surprising statistics and incredible-but-true case studies of hidden trends that are shaping our culture and raising troubling questions about where the digital revolution is taking us.
Autor: Mary Aiken
Idioma: english (en)
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Social Engineering: The Science of Human Hacking

Social Engineering: The Science of Human Hacking reveals the craftier side of the hacker’s repertoire–why hack into something when you could just ask for access?
Undetectable by firewalls and antivirus software, social engineering relies on human fault to gain access to sensitive spaces; in this book, renowned expert Christopher Hadnagy explains the most commonly-used techniques that fool even the most robust security personnel, and shows you how these techniques have been used in the past. The way that we make decisions as humans affects everything from our emotions to our security. Hackers, since the beginning of time, have figured out ways to exploit that decision making process and get you to take an action not in your best interest.
This new Second Edition has been updated with the most current methods used by sharing stories, examples, and scientific study behind how those decisions are exploited.
Networks and systems can be hacked, but they can also be protected; when the “system” in question is a human being, there is no software to fall back on, no hardware upgrade, no code that can lock information down indefinitely. Human nature and emotion is the secret weapon of the malicious social engineering, and this book shows you how to recognize, predict, and prevent this type of manipulation by taking you inside the social engineer’s bag of tricks.
Examine the most common social engineering tricks used to gain access. Discover which popular techniques generally don’t work in the real world. Examine how our understanding of the science behind emotions and decisions can be used by social engineers. Learn how social engineering factors into some of the biggest recent headlines. Learn how to use these skills as a professional social engineer and secure your company. Adopt effective counter-measures to keep hackers at bay. By working from the social engineer’s playbook, you gain the advantage of foresight that can help you protect yourself and others from even their best efforts. Social Engineering gives you the inside information you need to mount an unshakeable defense.
Autor: Christopher Hadnagy
Idioma: english (en)
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The CERT Guide to Insider Threats: How to Prevent, Detect, and Respond to Information Technology Crimes (Theft, Sabotage, Fraud)

Since 2001, the CERT(R) Insider Threat Center at Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute (SEI) has collected and analyzed information about more than seven hundred insider cyber crimes, ranging from national security espionage to theft of trade secrets.
The CERT(R) Guide to Insider Threats describes CERT’s findings in practical terms, offering specific guidance and countermeasures that can be immediately applied by executives, managers, security officers, and operational staff within any private, government, or military organization. The authors systematically address attacks by all types of malicious insiders, including current and former employees, contractors, business partners, outsourcers, and even cloud-computing vendors. They cover all major types of insider cyber crime: IT sabotage, intellectual property theft, and fraud. For each, they present a crime profile describing how the crime tends to evolve over time, as well as motivations, attack methods, organizational issues, and precursor warnings that could have helped the organization prevent the incident or detect it earlier. Beyond identifying crucial patterns of suspicious behavior, the authors present concrete defensive measures for protecting both systems and data.
This book also conveys the big picture of the insider threat problem over time: the complex interactions and unintended consequences of existing policies, practices, technology, insider mindsets, and organizational culture. Most important, it offers actionable recommendations for the entire organization, from executive management and board members to IT, data owners, HR, and legal departments. With this book, you will find out how to Identify hidden signs of insider IT sabotage, theft of sensitive information, and fraud. Recognize insider threats throughout the software development life cycle. Use advanced threat controls to resist attacks by both technical and nontechnical insiders. Increase the effectiveness of existing technical security tools by enhancing rules, configurations, and associated business processes. Prepare for unusual insider attacks, including attacks linked to organized crime or the Internet underground.
By implementing this book’s security practices, you will be incorporating protection mechanisms designed to resist the vast majority of malicious insider attacks.
Autor: Dawn Cappelli, Andrew Moore, Randall Trzeciak
Idioma: english (en)
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